My Skincare Weekly Plan | Current Products & Supplements Skip to content

Article: My Skincare Weekly Plan | Current Products & Supplements

My Skincare Weekly Plan | Current Products & Supplements - LaLa Daily Media Millennial

My Skincare Weekly Plan | Current Products & Supplements


Hello ladies,

Decided to drop some lines about something not new to me but new for me to share and for my friends to laugh since they did not get it seriously at first and now all 3 of them are doing the same, ha!!! I am typing it out in here as promised! Here comes the pandora box reveal:

For the past few months, I have finally "settled" my skin care hoarding habit! 

That being said, I made my own Skincare "Meal Plan" on a Monthly basis, as the only way to actually stick to my own fixed skincare products combination and then switch up, but not before I entirely finish with the previous. I figured that is the inly way to truly see which product works and how. Any other skin care I might come across,  literally has to wait its turn;)

FYI, For those of you that have watched my latest YouTube episode, you clearly know what I'm talking about. Here are the goodies and I am happy to share


Well, here is my program and my top current skincare and beauty products I consider worth of sharing, that are effective for my overall well being: ( along with the links for every beauty product)


                                    M O N D A Y :  On a Menu:


  The Absolute Trending Hidden Gem SKincare, highly recommended by LaLa Daily Blog, and Nicole Kidman's favorite: Seratopical Skincare RevolutionSeratopical SkincareSeratopical Revolution Skincare

. Seratopical Revolution Skincare based on natural oils and P3P , it is not sticky on your face, does Not clog your pores, and helps for the overall skin tone to be even as much as possible and gives that dewy glow, so it is a def. replacement for a makeup in my case. See down below, I have included the links into the each skincare goodie:


                           T U E S D A Y:  

Clarins Double SerumClarins Eye SerumClarins face mask


- it's been already a year since I am religiously using their double serum       that I initially purchased at the airport, then at Sephora, and then the brand        somehow detected and sent me the presents!! The facial mask is a bomb!! The skin goodies I am stuffing my face with every night down below with the direct links:


                               W E D N E S D A Y:  


Rodial Skincare Toner RODIAL, eye patchesRODIAL EYE PATCHRodial Eye Serum

. Rodial skin care is another great discovery, and besides their amazing Dragon Blood plumping gel and over night facial mask that I ran out of, their toner is something that is "on repeat" in my skincare ritual, along with their incredibly amazing eye hydrogels! Here they are with links:

  • The rest of products: repeat Monday

natasha kojic talks about her favorite skincare products | Miracles and More cosmetics and skin care, Seratopical Revolution founded by Nicole Kidman, and many more | Los anGELES | Lala Daily by NK

                          T H U R S D A Y:  

Miracles and More cleanser   

 Miracles and More Skincare: currently using and been using it for over the years, amazing cleanser that reminds me when I was a child , that kind of "Bekutan" mild natural fragrance that I adore. Not only that it works great for my face, but it just makes my morning beautiful!

  • P.S. My dad's favorite detoxifying facial mask he is a worst skincare addict than myself so I am assuming 7 days per week, in my case on Thursday and Sunday.


                              F R I D A Y:  

Arilan Skincare the best serum 

 Arilan Skincare  anti acne and maintenance facial cleanser  and of course my favorite product that I always call the wrong name ( I say " glycogen " but it is actually Glycolic peel. If she reads this, she will probably laugh.


                         W E E K E N D:  

                    -  You can mix and match whatever you please! Cheat day!

Dare to try your 4 -8 weeks skincare "diet" plan, and feel free to yell at me if you complain, lol. You won't!


   F O R    E V E R Y   D A Y :   S U N   P R O T E C T I O N :


    • Miracles and More  - a total lux hidden gem
    • SUN PROTECTION light lotion!
    • I have officially ran out if it so will be back to it in the next round.



Lashes MD. Recommended by LaLa Daily Blog, Natasha KojicCurrently Trending, Top Quality Brow Pencil by Folica Beauty, Spring / Summer 2023. All time favorite

  •  A bonus beauty serum for your lashes growth and eye brow pencil from my dear : Folica Beauty   - simply the best!


                 S U N    P R O T E C T I O N  D A I L Y:

 oLa Mer Sun Protection, recommended on Natasha Kojic YouTube beauty vlog.r       Chanel Sun Protection, recommended by Natasha Kojic, LaLa Daily Blog

    • La Mer VS Chanel ? - The texture of Chanel sunscreen is smoother, yet I love that cooling effect of La Mer sunscreen during the warm days. That being said, La Mer for the Summer, 2023


                              R E L A T  E D   A C C E S S O R Y:

    For the sunny days, check out my new Eye Wear Collection;)

      Modern Sunglasses for Women & Fashion apparel (unisex). Street Style 



                   Chanel hand cream, white! Recommended on LaLa Daily blog.Child Perfume, Recommended Spring Scent on LaLa Daily Blog, Natasha Kojic 


    Child perfume lotion     Child perfume luxury candle  Child perfume travel size



                    Palmer Coconut hand cream, trending on LaLa Daily blog.         Palmer coconut cream Plamer's favorite Coconut Hand Cream. Beautiful scent, smooth texture. Recommended on LaLa Daily blog by Natasha Kojic    Palmer's Coconut Hydrate hand cream -  the best scent and texture



                MY EVERY DAY  B E A U T Y   S U P P L E M E N T S:

    Vital Proteins Collagen Powder, recommended on Lala Daily blogThe Best Hair Supplement, currently trending on Lala Daily Blog, by Maxi Hair Plus, Country Life 




    •     Beta Carotene using it every summer for that golden sun tan!


                      D E N T A L   C A R E:  TEETH WHITENING AT HOME:


    • Teeth whitening, coconut oil pulling from Gurunanda ever since!


    The best and most trending Teeth invisible aligners by BYTE Official, recommended on Lala Daily Blog by Natasha Kojic.   Byte, dental care. Highly recommended by LaLa Daily Blog.

    •  Invisible teeth aligners I am using as always by Byte and soon more details on my YouTube. ( on my calendar next week to schedule an appointment.


    For those of you that share the same skin care and beauty taste, here is my latest YouTube video connected to this topic: ( the beige dress in the video - details on my IG)


     So...By having your structured skin care program on a monthly basis ( it does not have to be what I have listed since this is just my personal choice), you get to know your skin and body, as well as train your patience for the the maximum results. Just my personal experience sharing;)

    *.   *.      *.   

    That's what for now, since this ended up as hell of a typing unplanned, lol!

    I really hope these info you find useful, or at least inspire you for the goodness of your skincare, beauty and health journey.

    Check back from time to time  as I will be updating this in about 2 weeks from and meanwhile see ya on my IG and YT .

     Until then,

    Stay healthy, beautiful and happy,

    @ natashakeymusic





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